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Alabama Home Builders
ASP Homebuilding, Inc.
2154-A Pelham Parkway, Pelham
Alabama, 35124
Phone: 205-426-6363
Fax: 205-426-8745

Full brick construction
Double hung wooden windows
Marble garden tubs with separate showers in the master bath
Elegant cabinetry
Lots of hardwood floors and Berber-style carpets
Full Basements - unfinished, if desired, and prepped for future finishing
Challenging home sites is one of ASP's specialties.
ASP Homebuilding, Inc. is licensed by the State of Alabama, builds in Jefferson and Shelby Counties and is a member of the Greater Birmingham Association of Homebuilders and the National Association of Homebuilders.
Gardner Custom Homes
5837 Hatchers Run, Pinson
Alabama, 35213
Phone: 205-815-3867
Fax: 205-815-3880

We realize that the purchase of your new home is the largest financial commitment you will make. For this reason, we will strive to make your purchase a relaxed and enjoyable experience. From lot selection to design, through final construction, our desire will always be your complete satisfaction.
We are not high production, subdivision builders, but rather we are quality custom homebuilders, committed to personally supervising all phases of construction and to be there and walk you through and explain all available products and selections to customize your new home to your personality.
Greg Watts Builder
Phone: 334-361-6326
Fax: 334-361-4955

In 1985, I followed in my family's footsteps and entered the construction industry - an industry they had been in since 1972. In 1994, I branched out and began my own company - Greg Watts Builder - focusing on building homes with customer satisfaction as my major concern. I have always believed that building a new home is the best investment you can make and I want you to be no less than 100% satisfied with your purchase.
Specializing in building the home of your dreams, I have built homes ranging from 1100 to 6800 square feet.
I have served on the Greater Montgomery Home Builders Association (GHMBA) Board of Directors as the Prattville Representative, and currently I am active as an Ambassador for the GMHBA.
John Howard Companies
6156 Omni Park Drive, Mobile
Alabama, 36609
Phone: 251-639-1155
Fax: 251-639-1159

John Howard understands that the value and worth of a home goes beyond mere dollars and cents. Just like buying a new home is more than just a purchase. It's an investment in your life and your future. It's where children are raised, old friends are welcomed, and precious memories are made.
Home... it's a part of the good life, where you can enjoy backyard barbecues, quiet evenings in front of the fireplace, and the laughter of children at play. It's truly something special, and we make sure that each and every John Howard Home is up to your highest expectations of what a home should be.
Mitchell Homes
6324 Piccadilly Square, Mobile
Alabama, 36609
Phone: 251-344- 2600
For over a half century, Mitchell Homes has built new homes. In that time, Mitchell Homes has continually strived to perfect all facets of the development of new communities, product line and structural integrity, unique financing opportunities and, most importantly, customer service and feedback.
Through diligence, an unsurpassed professional work ethic and core values, Mitchell Homes has received numerous home building awards, a tremendous number of satisfied homeowners and regional name recognition that is the envy of its competitors.
Watts Homes
P.O. Box 210907, Montgomery
Alabama, 36121
Phone: 334-277-6810
Fax: 334-277-6827

With Watts Homes...
Recognized as one of the top builders in Alabama, Watts Homes has accepted the challenge of realizing the dreams of today's new home purchaser by building supremely functional and beautiful homes.
You'll find our communities in the most desirable, livable locations in Montgomery. Many communities offer a clubhouse, tennis court, swimming pool, nature trail and large lakes. Each area is carefully planned and designed to preserve the natural surroundings around each community.
...the choice is always yours.